Educating and inspiring law enforcement, medical staff, judicial systems, professionals, students, and communities around the world.
About Rachel
Rachel is an author, international consultant, speaker, overcomer, and registered nurse certified by the Commission for Forensic Nursing Certification through the International Association of Forensic Nurses in adult and adolescent sexual assault as well as pediatric sexual assault.
Rachel harnesses the power and insights of her past lived experiences as a pioneer in the battle against modern-day human trafficking. Rachel has extensive knowledge of human trafficking research and first-hand experience in locating and recovering missing children. She is active in the fight against modern-day slavery by working with survivors of violence and human trafficking both stateside and internationally, collaborating with several non-profits to promote the best victim outcomes at a systems level.
Insight and Expertise
Work with Rachel
Rachel’s knowledge will awaken and broaden your current knowledge to highlight the links between healthcare, legal, and the phenomena of human trafficking in your community.
Training & Education
Rachel offers an array of educational programs about sex-trafficking, best practices, working with survivors, being trauma and survivor informed, and more.
Motivational Speaker
As an inspiring speaker, Rachel has the ability to connect with her audience and teaches how they too can break free from their strongholds in life.
Anti-Trafficking Consultant
Being survivor informed is critical to promote successful outcomes in individuals coming out and organizations serving this delicate population.
Legal Nurse Consultant
Bring clinical experience, medical education, and scientific background into the legal arena to assist attorneys in the litigation process.
Order Rachel’s Book
Taking Back the Pen
Life challenges all of us. This book is meant to empower all people who struggle in life. This book gives the life story of a young girl who faced more trials and heartbreak in life than most will ever endure. It is a story of hope and resilience. There have been many stories written on hardship. This one is unique in the sense that it all happened before reaching 25 years old. The key message is urging people to share their story and to learn from others’ mistakes no matter how bizarre. Each story has a purpose and each life has worth. This book tells the story of a girl who took the pen back from life and wrote her own story. The key is that just because your life starts a certain way, does not mean it has to end that way
Rachel is featured in the award-winning documentary
Surviving Sex Trafficking
Watch Rachel share her story in the award-winning documentary Surviving Sex Trafficking.
The film examines the ongoing struggles of survivors as they desperately fight to break free of their past, heal their bodies and minds, reconnect with a world of hope, and reclaim their lost humanity.
Through conversations with victims and trips to women’s shelters around the world, Surviving Sex Trafficking reveals their stories and how they escaped, how they continue to survive, and how they live day to day with the repressed trauma from the horrific events they experienced.
Organizations & agencies Rachel has
Worked With
Contact Rachel
to train, speak, or teach at your next event!

About Rachel
Rachel is an author, motivational speaker, leader in the fight against trafficking, advocate of trafficking victims, and a lived experience expert. She shares her story and gives her painful past a powerful purpose and gives a voice back to the voiceless.
National Human Trafficking Hotline